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Film editing Tips (Types of Cuts)-O3

Filmmaking, Film Editing, Filmmakersfans

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Film editing Tips (Types of Cuts)-O3

This is a series of film editing tutorials about the different types of cuts and this one is part –03. Read our previous film editing tutorial (Part 01 &02), in case you haven’t seen yet. 

Here we are explaining another three different types of cuts, namely– overlap, dissolve/mix and Shot repetition. Among the three, shot repetition’ is one method that you probably haven’t ever heard before. Here is all about it, also let us show your feedback about this section, and add it in the comment section below 

Shot Repetition-Film Cut  

It is a particular film editing technique that was used in older films; the technique is now less found in contemporary feature films. Shot repetition is a typical film editing technique for making extra effects in an accidental situation. For an instance, in an accidental scene- the heroine suddenly kissed the hero, here the editor can cut and sync the same footage (kissing Scene) repeatedly for showing action this action effectively.

Watch the below shown video, It’s a short film directed by Director Fraser Rigg, almost all  the scenes in the short film is created by Shot Repetition-Film Cut  Method.



Though, ‘Dissolve and Mix’ are different terms, but functionally it is same in terms of editing. If there is a change (transition) in betweenthe two shots, where the first visual is gradually disappearing from the scene and the second visual is gradually appearing in the scene, this technique is called as dissolve/mix. However, don’t confuse the dissolve/mix with the fade-in fadeout. William Wyler’s film Ben-Hur (1959) is the notable film that utilizes the possibilities of dissolved/mix film editing technique.

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Overlapping Editing

It is a particular film editing technique, which one visual laps over the other one. Overlap editing is also known as double exposure. This editing technique is mostly found as applicable in racing scenes, sports and fast action scenes.

The previously explained shot repetition is slightly similar to the overlapping editing, the one dissimilarity is, shot repetition is comparatively faster-in motion as compare to the overlapping editing.

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