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Now You can Share Script Notes with Other Screenwriters for Free

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Now You can Share Script Notes with Other Screenwriters for Free

Exchanging script notes just got easy with Coverfly X. It is an enormous database of screenwriting competition entries, with a brand new free peer-to-peer service, Coverfly x.

CoverflyX (a short term for “Coverlfy eXchange”), lets us exchange script notes with various other screenwriters, that comprise of 300 words on the strength of the scripts, as well as 300 words on the weaknesses. After receiving your script notes, you are to be prompted for rating them, and this allows members an incentive to offer quality evaluations of their acquaintances’ work.

This exchange and sharing take place via a free token-bidding system. The Coverfly tokens can be earned by supplying script notes and the tokens are spent through paying to get script notes, therefore, the more script notes you give, the more tokens you’ll need to “pay” the other members. Also, there is a bidding element in this exchange. If anyone wants to get notes on the script, one must “bid” how many tokens s’he is ready to give up. Hence, this means that you will need to keep the bids competitive, for are any other screenwriters present in the marketplace who is all set to pay more in the form of tokens.


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