Shooting Nudity scene in Film is really a difficult thing – Collaborative Review
Portraying a sex scene in a usual movie is really a difficult task, why because evolved artists are not p**n stars they are professional character artists. So, making nude scenes with real stars is a daunting task. But your script demanding a nude scene, then you definitely shoot it. We want to share some filmmaking tips concerned to this topic.
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The Character Flexibility: First and foremost thing is the artist flexibility. At First, Tell your artist about the nude scene that inserted in your script. Do you remember a nude scene of Kate Winslet in the film Titanic? The director of that film James Cameron informed already about the nude scene at the time of her screen test. She agreed that deal; also, before shooting the original she did multiple times the rehearsals for achieving the scene perfection.
The Negative Effect of hiding: The Huffington post reported that Actress Anne Greene refused to act a critically needed Nude scene in climax of a Time Warner production’s film. Similarly, in April 10th of 2014, a Fox News correspondent from LOS ANGELES has reported that Producers of a TV programme sued a petition against LA based actress for saying NO to perform a topless sex scene.
Avoid Crowd: If possible at that time try to regulate the strength of crew members in between 8 to 12. Also, try to avoid filming the nude scenes in an exterior location. In case your script demands a nude scene in an exterior location, then create an artificial production set, train your performers properly and use the multi cam set up for made it easier.
“Trying to do an aggressive sex scene is quite difficult. Especially in a public place with a crowd of screaming extras with their little camera phones going click-click, taking pictures of your pasty white a*s. I’ve had my fair share of bedroom antics in films, but they were a little more private.”
– Jason Stratham on film Crank 2: High Voltage
The Chemistry: Like usual romantic scenes, the nude scenes became successful if only the chemistry between performers workout. Tommy Wiseau, the director of film “The Room” once said “I believe that Johnny and Lisa in ‘The Room’ had great chemistry, which helps me a lot for filming the scenes without any distractions” Likewise, The Filmmaker Joe Carnahan has released a behind the sex scene of his film Stretch and said to the filmmaking website that ‘The direction and the instructions given during the scene may not be obvious in the final product, but like anything, the better expected results can be achieved only when the actors are motivated by their characters and intentions. ’
Common Instructions to the Filmmakers
1. The Lighting set up: It is too difficult to create a set light for filming a nude scene: Two reasons are behind this statement, the primary reason is shadows, that means when the performers closer to each other, especially the shadows of female actress fall in front of the actor’s face, resulting it blocking the performance and similarly the scene became out-of-focus. The second reason is heat emitting from the set light, as the actors are performing without any (or) with few clothes, the heat emits from the lights instantly causes emission of sweat, resulting of this, the actors feel discomforts. Here you can do one thing is -regulate the room temperature with an exhauster or an HVAC set up.
2. Use Multi cam set up: That’s easy for creating more visuals, later it will help you in the editing section.
3. Never allow a personal camera: We suggest this strictly, say to your crew members to switch off their cell phones until the time of completing the scene. You might often hear about the controversies related nude scenes leak and its after effects. We hope, that will not happen in your movie.
4. The Censoring: Don’t overexpose the nude scenes, sometimes it causes banning from the mainstream cinemas because of the sexually explicit content. The films like Unfreedom (2015), IRRÉVERSIBLE (2012), ROMANCE (1976) etc were banned because of the nude scenes. So, your script demand nude scenes, but the film censoring commission didn’t want to see nude scenes in your film. Then, what is the alternate solution? Here, below we are showing you a video that have nude scenes, but didn’t seem like that. Brilliant Visualization! Check it out
Tag: Sex Scene Behind The scene of filmmaking, Filmmaking advice, actors Flexibility, Filmmakersfans
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