The Actual Problem With Indian Film Criticism | Real Facts
Films critics are something which emphasizes only on critical analysis of a film in every aspect, also evaluating it on a whole. Unknowingly, many movie buffs mix up the concept of film critics and reviews into just one box. It can’t only be their fault, rather the problem also lies with the people who are throwing critics out there on movies. Making an important note to everyone that a film review is related to more consumer-orientation and recommendations done.
This is not a debate where I will take on with huge domination, but I will let my opinions reach out to every reader out there. I feel that there is really something very concerning about the film critics, which is going through wrong lanes. Here, I am admitting that I have never paid much attention to critics because to me, it is all a personal approach to watching films and expressing views over what I have liked or disliked about the movie. Readers should interpret my words in a way that I am not inviting anyone to obey my opinions. So , there is nothing like drawing objectives to film evaluation that has nothing to do with the people who willing to watch the movie or not.
The biggest problem, I see, with film criticism is that taking the critics too seriously, and further strictly abiding by what has been criticised about the film. People who are movie lovers, should clearly understand that critics made are not at all ideal or universal, it is just their point of view while dissecting the movie in all aspects. Even all of us can have a different perspective on a film. Another issue that should be paid attention at, is critics going too judgemental about the ones who are watching films according to their likes. A film critic has got no right to question the tastes of audience apart from the film itself. They can’t even suggest that people should develop certain tastes for movies they pick up to watch. I have always been calling the film criticism an ‘individual’s perspective’. It is very obvious to see that a movie which gets usually panned badly by the critics are sometimes well received by the audience.
There are more issues associated with film criticism, which have to be brought to our sight and discussed properly. Since, we experience the ‘Golden Age ‘ of film criticism, where most of the things met with several problems. Earlier we had only print critics in which journalists would write and share through newspapers, magazines and other mass media like TV, radio, etc. Today, we are witnesses to the regular entries of web criticism . With the coming of web criticism, things have got more uglier than before, giving ways to fights.
In older days, if we were not satisfied with the critics made, we used to write directly to the writer and publisher , but today every critic go on air, as a result of which, when not met with someone’s satisfaction, has to face a lot of criticism even from reader’s end which should not be acceptable for having healthy discussion of a film. The comment section below the videos are the most disgusting place to share your opinions in regard to what the critic has declared about the film. After someone leaves his views over there, it gets visible to everybody whosoever attend that session of critics. This way, they become prone to the attacks expected from the people who do not feel the same way. This act has absolutely degraded the essence of film criticism in recent times.
Today we can see anybody coming with film critics and reviews on various web channels without having any prior knowledge and discipline in the field of film criticism. This has also violated the theory of film criticism which was first given by ‘Robert Eager’, considered the best film critic ever on Earth. Not always but very quite often, film criticism goes paid in some or, the means just for the sake of maligning someone’s fame, identity. These are the real problems that the film criticism carries it along all the time presently.
Written by:
Sami Majid, Movie Analyst
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