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What is exactly meant By Digital Story Telling?


What is exactly meant By Digital Story Telling?

Digital Story telling


Digital Story telling is the New Way of Storytelling by using multimedia components such as images, texts, music, voiceover, slides and digitally formatted audios. More clearly, digital story telling is a short video form of storytelling by using multimedia Components. This is quite an easier method to visualize a story, and the potential fact is there is no such technical skill is needed to tell a story digitally.

All you needed is just to know how to operate the basic video editing software like Windows movie maker Or Imovie video editing software. If in case you are not familiar with the video editing software then, make it simply by using mobile applications. For android O.S, the best digital story telling applications are Comic and Meme Creator (download here) and Animoto (download here). Similarly For I phone the digital story telling applications application are story Kit (Download Here) and our Story (Download Here).

Usually the digital story telling is min-max of 3-4 minutes in length, 200 words or a 13-15 picture is the enough contents needed for the creation. Digital story telling is mainly used in education, advertising and promotional events. As compare to other two fields, mostly this technique is found using in Education. The reason of this effectiveness is: as compare to the oral teaching the digital storytelling, is found impressive among students.  Now days Many Schools and universities are following this way of teaching practice, for creation it takes lesser time and it ensures positive results.  The University of Utah, University of Houston and Ohio state university are the some notable universities offering education through the digital Story Telling.


This digitalized story telling Technique is used in Kenneth Lauren documentary “The Civil war” that was telecasted through United Nation’s Public Broadcasting Services (PBS). BBC’s “Telling Lives, Capture Wales Project and Room For story Telling” are the similar categorized short videos that made by using this method.

But one question is still confusing us; is the name digital “Story Telling” really suits (or) any alteration is needed to that name? The reason of asking this clueless question is because, it might be true that you can’t tell a story effectively by using this digitalized story telling mode.  The core reason is, there is only a less importance for emotions and power of visuals are very weak as compare to normal video story telling. But yes, you can effectively explain an article or a demonstration by using this Digital Story Telling application.

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