Call for the Submissions of Storyboard for SIGNATURE FILM
The Sappho Kolkata (The Activist Forum for Lesbian, Bisexual Woman and Transman Rights) inviting the filmmakers for participating the Story Board Competition of a theme Insider/Outsider. A short listed story board will be awarded Rs. 50,000 and that story board to be made into the film by the submitting filmmaker.
Since 2007, the Dialogues: Calcutta International LGBT Film and Video Film Festival commissioned an Independent Filmmaker for a signature film on every year. (LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender). The event principally made for promoting the feature films, short films, experimental films and documentaries of interest to the Lesbian Gay, Bisexual and transgender community. On Every year, the festival has receiving films from the national as well as the international filmmakers.
Submission details
Story Board Duration: One Minute
Last date for the submission of Story Board: October 10, 2015 by 5 pm
Email your submissions at: [email protected]
Notification of Winner Name will be announced on October 15, 2015
The Final submission of Signature film must be made by NOVEMBER 15, 2015
Event Organizers: Sappho For Equality and Pratyay Gender Trust in association with Goethe Institute/ Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata.
Refrence website :
Suggested Tags : Call For Entry Story Board, Queer International Film Festival Kolkata
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