Bangalore international film festival 2015-2016 Submission Details
The Bangalore international film festival (BIFFES) is an annually held film festival held in Bangalore, India, organized by the Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy. The Festival accepts submissions of films in the categories such as narrative short films, feature films, Documentary films, experimental films, and student films. This year, the 8th edition of the Bangalore international film festival 2016 scheduled to be live from January 28 to February 4, 2016.
The Artistic director of BIFFES, Mr. Prakash says to Filmmakers Fans that, “we will announce the film entry submission details of BIFFES 2016, only after the Closing Ceremony of Pune International Film Festival. More details about the BIFFES -2016, submission details, Fee will be live on our web page after 18th October”. – He Concluded
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