film festivals submission
The complete list of Top No Entry fee film festivals
Here, this list has shown you the list of the best film festivals in the world that haven’t had an entry fee (No Fee film Festivals). This listing includes – overview of the concerned film festival, film entry announcement details and contact details.
We have a healthy connection with Tracy Miller-Robbins, the founder of Blog Probably, the inspiration behind the writing of this article is gained from him. This is the primary-part- listing of no film festivals, periodically we up -to-date this section on the basis of the available unique resources.
Top No Fee Film Festivals
Indian Film Festival Japan
About The Film Festival: The Indian film festival in Japan is a No fee categorized film festival, which was organized by Thati Media Corporation. Their original entry of conducting the film festival was first reported in 2012. The festival accepts the Documentaries, Short Films and feature films. Selection process is purely based on the content quality and its previous performance excellence at various film festivals. Out of the entries, they select twenty five films and showcase that in 14 day long film festivals secession.
Film Entry Accepting From: February 1st Every Year
Colchester Film Festival
The Colchester Film Festival is one of the highest ranked film festivals in the world, held at Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom. The Festival was founded by Steven Dorrington and Tristan Syrett in 2012. The festival exhibits both the feature and short films in the Competition and Non Competition Section. Excluding this, they conduct a variety programme called ’60 Hour Film Challenge’ where the filmmakers get a paid opportunity to create 5 minutes less long short film under 60 Minutes. There is no submission charge for submitting the films on or before the regular deadline and the films that after regular deadline pay $20 USD to $40.
Film Entry Accepting From: February 1st Every Year
(Save this filmfreeway submission link Colchester Film Festival –
Stony Brook Film Festival
Since 1996, they organizing the film festivals annually, especially for showcasing the independent films. The festival was founded by Staller Center for the Arts, the event will be held annually at Stony Brook University. Every year, they calling the entries for films in the genres of short film, feature film, documentary and animation. Look into their official website to know more about their submission requirements.
Film Entry Accepting From: March 1st day Every Year
(Save this withoutabox submission Link of Stony Brook Film Festival: )
5. Singapore International Film festival
Founded by Geoffrey Malone and L. Leland Whitney in 1987, it was acclaimed as one of the best film festivals in Asia. The founding reason behind this festival was principally for familiarizing the Singapore regional cinema to rest of the world also its mission is to nurturing the global Independent Film Movement. On its 11 day long festival secessions are coordinated with the activities like film screenings, award ceremonies, master classes and discussions with the leading industry experts. (See the link shown bottom to know about the submission Guidelines)
Film Entry Accepting From: May 1st week every year
Mumbai International Film Festival
This list will not be complete, unless we mention the Mumbai international Film festival’s (MIFF) name here. Indian Indie-filmmakers called it as one of the biggest prize offering Film Festivals in the world. The festival was organized by late Hrishikesh Mukherjee in 1997. Annually, the festival is calling the entries, for the films in the Documentary, Short Fiction and animation Genres to its competition and Non Competition sections.
Film Entry Accepting from: August 15th day of every year
Kolkata International Film Festival
This is an eight day long film festival held at Kolkata, India. The festival was organized by West Bengal state government, from the financial aid that received from various corporate and Non-profit firms. Their initial festival secession was launched in 1995 and that was inaugurated by legendary Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray. Annually, its film submissions are opened in the competition and out of competition sections for the films in the genres of short and documentary films.
Film Entry accepting from: 1st day of July every year
8. VIII Naples Human Right Film Festival
The VIII Naples Human Right Film Festival (Locally- Festival Del Cinema Dei Diritti Umani Di Napoli) is a Italy based No Fee Film festival, now calling Entries of the Short Films (Less Than 30 Minutes) and Documentaries (Longer Than 30 Minutes) to their upcoming section held from November 9 – 14, 2015. The two official section winners (“Human Rights Doc” e “Human Rights Short”) will get a chance to participate the European Festival that authorized by Human Right Film Network. Also, for each of the title winning film, the association ‘Cinema e Diritti’ provides a donation for one-person ticket (no more than 600 €).
Starts at July 4, Every Year
Final Deadline September End, Every Year
Event Date: November 9-14 , Every Year
Festival Website-
9. 24 Fps International Short Film Festival 
The 24 Fps International Film Festival is a 17 years old film festival based in Texas, United States. The Festival aimed for promoting the student filmmakers and Indie-filmmakers. Every year, it will held at the paramount theatre located in Texas, any short video (fiction/non-fiction) that produced on or before last January, having running time less than 20 minutes are eligible for apply.
Starts at January 26, Every Year
Final Deadline September 11 (or) end of second week,
Event date: November 6-7,
Festival Website
10 Delhi International Film Festival
For Details, Click Here
Deadline: 30th September, Every year
Here ending the first part of no fee film festivals listing. Have any queries concerned to this topic? Ask to us;
Related Read: List of Best Free Submission Film Festivals in the world and its important Dates- Part 2
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Kaylee Ward
July 12, 2016 at 1:30 am
Timely commentary – I am thankful for the information , Does someone know if my company might locate a sample a form document to fill out ?
FMF Resources
July 13, 2016 at 4:10 pm
Your question regarding “Top No Entry Film Festival” is not clear. please ask specifically
Siddhaarth Bhardwaj
January 22, 2017 at 12:16 pm
Hello, can you send me the list of short film festivals having free submission (having no submission fee) and submussion process with deadlines on [email protected] ??
FMF Resources
January 29, 2017 at 4:53 pm
We will send you the complete list of Free Short Film list to your email address
Parvez Hussain
July 23, 2018 at 6:14 am
The festivals cited free here are not free at all, I’ll suggest fellow filmmakers to check all the festivals themselves for correct information about fee and other details.