Most Useful 14 Websites For the Indian Movie Aspirants
Here is an Enormous list of websites that are useful for the Indian film aspirants. This listing consists of-, film grants websites details, filmmaking websites, film crew association’s website and such various websites details. Bookmark this webpage for your future references.
Film Grants For Indian Filmmakers
NFDC- National Film Development Corporation of India The National Film Development Corporation of India (NFDC) is a non-profit organization that headquartered in Mumbai , India. The organization is working under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. Its mission is to provide financial support to the Indian-indie filmmakers In addition to the film production; they also conduct periodical filmmaking training workshops for the aspirants.
PSBT – Public Service Broadcasting The Public Service Broadcasting is a non-profit independent organization based in New Delhi, purposed for the promotion, Production and the distribution of the Indian Films. Their films are regularly telecasting in leading Television channels such as Doordarshan News, NDTV, Channel 4 and BBC World
Ford Foundation Film Grant
The Ford foundation is a part of the ford motor company that was established in January 15, 1936. They offer complete production grants for the films that having high end subject uniqueness. An average of 7-10 feature films are produced in every year with the grant of Ford Foundation.
Film Crew Association
Film Writer Association- Mumbai Film Writers Association (FWA), is the official union Indian Film Writers. They regularly conduct script writing workshops in the presence of Industry acclaimed Script Writers; also the FWA had a facility for legally registering the film scripts.
Indian Film and Television Director Association Mumbai- Website In their website, you can find the interviews with the leading filmmakers, updates and reviews of latest films. & Official websites of cinematographers association of India, it is usually well known in the alternative name ‘Western India Cinematographers Association.’ In their website, you can find the interviews of cinematographers; also if you are a cinematographer, you can register your name officially at the Cinematographers association of India.
Art Director and Costume Designer association India – This is the official website of Art Director and Costume Designer, association India: you can apply their membership or you can hire an art director/costume designer through the links provided in this website.
Film Producer Association of India
These three –,
& are the websites of Indian Film Producers Association. Online- new member registration facility is available on their website.
Indian Film Documentary Producer Association of India This is the official website of documentary film producers, Animation film producers, TV programmers and Ad film producers. New member registration facility is integrated in the website.
Cine and Television Artist Association of India – New member offline registration details are showed in their website. But their website is not up-to-date; we guessed it from the content.
Cine Musicians Association – This is one of the best and well-responsive website of the Indian Film Union, featured facilities of this website are Member search, registration etc. The ordinary member registration in the Cine Music Association will costs at Rs 1, 500/-
Playback Singers In India
The play back association of India was formed in 1956; Mr. Sanjeev Kohli is the current association president. The new member registration detail is linked in this website.
Other websites
Film Federation Of India The film federation of India is the apex body of studio owners, film distributors, film producers and the film exhibitors. They only have the right for the selection of Indian film entry to the Oscars.
Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) Central board of film Certification (CFBC) was founded in 1951 at Mumbai India. The purpose of the establishment of CFBC is, for the censoring and gives appropriate certification to the feature films, television shows and Video ads-on the basis of the Cinematograph Act 1952.
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