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Here’s How a Good Movie Trailer is Made

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Here’s How a Good Movie Trailer is Made

How To Make a Professional Movie Trailer? Through this video essay, Filmmakers Fans explaining the suggestive tips and tricks to make a perfect movie trailer.

No matter how great a movie you produce, if the trailer isn’t wonderful enough, you would fail to draw audience to the theatre. So, here are some cool tips and tricks on how to make a perfect movie trailer:

  1. The first thing is to work on the music. Getting the right sound and flow can be really tough.
  2. Next is to grab few moments that carry the theme or emotion of the film. Then, work on few fast cuts which will help in pushing forward the film’s tone.
  3. An easy way to go through the entire trailer-making process is to see them as Act 1, 2, 3 and so on. For example, Act 1 can be the opening shot with mystery, tension and dialogue. Act 2 comes packed with all the action beats and exciting stuff with a few dialogues hinting at what’s in store for the audience. All this escalates to Act 3 which is the main explosive, climactic shot.
  4. After this, everything slams down to the title and ends with a final shot that again clues at the theme and tone.


And there you go! Your movie trailer is made.

Here is a cool video to know more trailer-making tips:


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