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Film editing tips (Types of Film Edits) -04
The technique and style of making the films are changing much accordingly, with the flow of the day to day trends and technologies. Purely, movies form into a shape from the editing table. We are here showing three 4 types of film editing techniques – Superimpose, Wipe, Fade-in and fadeout. This is a step by step film editing tutorial article, in case you have missed to read the previous sections, read it now–(Part 1, Part 2 and part 3).
Superimpose (Film Cut)
Superimposition, sometimes also referred as ‘overdubbing’; All-time-best -filmmaker Hitchcock widely used Superimposition technique in his films, if you watch his film ‘psycho,’ you can see a lot of ‘Superimpose’ effects in it.
The Term
If a static image/video is overlapped over the other, such process of film editing is systematically known as Superimpose cut.
The below shown image is a snapshot from Alfred Hitchcock’s The Wrong Man (1956). This is an instance of superimpose technique.
Where It?
It can be used in the situations when a character is recalling about the past (or) showing an expression like anger, fear, etc. Superimposition is one of the oldest films editing technique and still it is one of the best. Now days, this technique is widely used in music videos, documentaries etc.
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Wipe (Film Cut)
A typical cut that is used in an active frame, to maintain the time lapse, A Wipe is technique of film editing, where one shot is replaced by other from left, right, top, bottom or any other shape that available in your editing software template.
See Below the below video that explaining the wipe edit
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Source: Wikipedia
Fade-in (Film Cut)
It is an editing technique, where an Image/video that appearing to the screen from a black screen. Mostly, the fade-in technique is used in the beginning of a scene
Fade Out (Film Cut)
It is just opposite to –‘Fade-in.’ Fade out is an editing technique, where an Image/video that slowly disappeared from a live screen into a black. Mostly, the fade-in technique is used in the end of a scene.
Watch| Video Fade-in Fade Out Explanation
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