A Focus to the list of all No Fee Film Festivals In the World | Part 2
Are you looking for the top list of free film festivals around the world? If so, you’re now landed on the right web page. Filmmakers Fans is known as the best Indie-filmmaking News resources providing website for many years. This article is the second part of “The list of No Fee Film Festivals” in the world and in case you’ve missed reading our first part, then please read it here.
List of Top No Fee (Free Entry) Film Festivals in the World- Part 2
La JollaInternational Fashion Film Festival
Known as Cannes of fashion film, La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival is the fashion element films premiering film festival in North America. The films between duration 1 and 15 films containing fashion contents are eligible for the submission. The festival offering awards to Best-Director, Cinematographer, Makeup Artist, Film Editor, Art Director, Actor and Actress.
Event Date: In the Month of July 28th Every year
Film Submission Starts on Fourth Week of April
Deadline to Apply 1st June Every Year
TUFF- Toronto Urban Film Festival
Started in 2006, the TUFF- Toronto Urban Film Festival is now known as one of the best free film festivals in the world. Every year, the festival inviting entries from the filmmakers to submit silent films lesser than a minute duration in the categories of Animation, Short Films, narrative, non-narrative and experimental films. The winners will receive $3,000 CAD, $1,500 CAD and $750 CAD for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize won films respectively. TUFF also pays a screening fee of $100 per accepted film.
Event Date: September 10-18 Every Year
Film Submission Starts on 15th April Every Year
Deadline to apply May 15 Every Year
TheMarda Loop Justice Film Festival (MLJFF)
The Marda Loop Justice Film Festival (MLJFF) is a Canadian Film Festival started by the Marda Loop Justice Film Festival Society in 2006 in Calgary, Alberta. Held in November, MLJFF justice related documentary films.
Event Date: November 15-20 Every Year
Film Submission starts on August First Week
Deadline to apply: September 15
Official Website:
Regent Park Film Festival
Known as Toronto’s only free submission film festivals, Regent Park Film Festival is the best film festival dedicated to bringing the world’s best films made in the themes such as immigration, inner city issues, cultural identity and relationships.
Event Date November 23-26,
Film Submission Starts on First week of April
Deadline to apply: June 10 Every Year
Official website:
The International Environmental Film Festival (FICMA)
Barcelona International Environmental Film Festival (FICMA) is one of the oldest environmental film festivals in Barcelona. Every year, the festival is receiving huge number of Environmental Films from the Countries including India, United Kingdom, USA and UK.
Event Date First week of November
Film Submission Starts on January 24, every year
Deadline to apply: June 20
Official website:
Portobello Film Festival, London United Kingdom
Since 1996, The Portobello Film Festival is known as UK’s biggest independent film competition, which has receiving 700 new films including features, shorts, documentaries, music films and animation.
Event Date 1-6 September Every Year
Film Submission Starts on April 1st Every year
Deadline to apply: 1st June Every Year
Official website:
World Festival of Animated Film- Bulgaria
The World Festival of Animated Film is a free animation film festival held every year in Bulgaria. Filmmakers can send entries only through the Without A Box link.
Event Date 7-11 September Every Year
Film Submission Starts on April 4th Every year
Deadline to apply: 6st June Every Year
Official website:
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival
Founded in 1997, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (informally Jihlava IDFF) is one of the largest creative documentary film festivals in the Central and Eastern Europe. This is one of the rarest film festivals in the world that accepting only documentary films.
Event Date: October 25 – 30, every year
Film Submission Starts on: First week of March
Deadline to apply: April Final Week
Official website:
Cinema City International Film Festival
This free submission film festival is held in Serbia. Cinema City International Film Festival is well known as the low-budget films showing film festival. One who made film with no budget or with a budget less than USD 10,000 is only eligible to submit the film to here. The festival accepting films that comes under the categories such as feature films, documentaries, animated films, student and experimental films
Event Date: June First week
Film Submission Starts on: First week of April
Deadline to apply: 5th of May
Official website:
24 FPS International Short Film Festival
No Doubt! It’s a Free Short Film Festival. The programme was constituted in 1999. Since its beginning to now, it is known among one of the best short film festivals in the world preferred by the filmmakers to deposit their short films. As per the given information by the festival authority, the film won Grand Jury Prize will receive prize money of $1000 (USD), film won silver medal will receive $600 (USD) and simultaneously the film won bronze medal will receive $400 (USD) at the grant ceremony held in the end of the event.
Event Date: November 4-5 Every Year
Film Submission Starts on: January 8 Every Year
Deadline to apply: August First week Every year
Official website:
Cinemagic Young Filmmaker
The festival is popularly known as the young filmmaker Competition Programme. The festival will premiere with short films with 10 minutes duration in the United Kingdom.
Event Date: October First week
Film Submission Starts on: July last week
Deadline to apply: September First week
Official website:
Horror-on-Sea Film Festival, Essex, United Kingdom
Please don’t get panic. Horror-on-sea Film Festival is not a Horror Films only premiering Film Festival it’s just a usual short film festival. The entry is free. But a small issue is, the festival hasn’t provided any online submission platform, the films can submit via postal mode only.
Event Date: 20-19 January
Film Submission Starts on: First week of April
Deadline to apply: September Second week
Official website:
Astra Film Festival, Romania
AFF is a major forum for documentary film in Romania. We came to know that it is one of the oldest film festivals in Romania. It’s completely a no-fee film festival.
Event Date: 17-23 September
Film Submission Starts on: First Week of March
Deadline to apply: April 20
Official website:
Reel Asian Film Festival-Canada
Reel Asian Film Festival-Canada is one of the best known film festivals to showcase of Contemporary Asian Cinema and Work from the Asian Diaspora. The festival accepts films in feature and short film categories.
Note: There will be fees for those who submitting films after the ‘Early Bird’ time period.
Event Date: November 10-19 Every Year
Film Submission Starts on: April 4,
Deadline to apply: April 17 (Early Bird)
Official Website:
Film Festival della Lessinia
It’s a theme based film festival. Any type of films made in the Category Mountains and faraway lands are eligible for the submission.
Event Date: November 20-28 August Every Year
Film Submission Starts on: March 1st Week
Deadline to apply: 30 April
Official Website:
Minute Festival-Brazil
As like its Event name, the films that have running duration below 1 Minute are eligible for the submission. The festival is conducting both permanent and online. The festival launches themes and awards to the best films (made on that specific theme) will be given on all months.
For more info like Deadline, themes etc, please visit
Vancouver Queer Festival
One among another notable no fee film festivals in the world, Vancouver Queer Festival inviting films that emphasizing themes that pushes boundaries, arouses and tantalizes, and films that made on diverse culture themes.
Event Date: AUGUST 13-23.
Film Submission Starts on: November 6
Deadline to apply: March 31
Official Website:
NBC Universal Short Film Festival
Started by NBC Universal Mass Media Group, NBC Universal Short Film Festival is a trusted platform of indie filmmakers in the United States (only*) To submit a film here, The producer, writer, and director must be over 18 years of age and a legal resident of the US. The length of the Film should be 2-20 minutes.
Event Date: August 18-19
Film Submission Starts on: March 1st
Deadline to apply: May 15
Official Website:
International Film Festival Tofifest
International Film Festival Tofifest is shortly known as Presentation of trendsetting, ambitious, auteur cinema. The festival is opens to the filmmakers all over the world.
Event Date: October 15-23
Film Submission Starts on: April 1st week
Deadline to apply: 15 August
Official Website:
Ottawa International Animation Festival (Canada)
The festival held every year in the September at 2 Daly Avenue, Suite 120 Ottawa Canada. The festival was started in 1976 by the Canadian Film Institute. The film submissions are allowable only through the online mode.
Event Date: September 21-25
Film Submission Starts on: April first week
Deadline to apply: May 13th
Official Website:
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Mahesh Seelvi
October 14, 2016 at 7:45 am
Sreekanth, I am also like you. I have left my job as senior manager in a nationalized bank and start making films.
FMF Resources
October 18, 2016 at 7:39 pm
Good to See you Mr.Mahesh