Call For entry: Drishyam Sundance Screenwriters’ Lab
Drishyam Films, is a leading film Production Company based in India, organizing a screenwriters lab (Namely – Drishyam Sundance Screenwriter Lab) in association with the Sundance Institute USA. The lab is principally meant for the filmmakers/screenwriters, for making their first or second feature films. The selected scripts will be made into feature films and the projects will work under the accomplished advisors of the Lab.
The Screenwriters’ lab will be held in March 2016 in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. This was the second time Drishyam films organize the scriptwriter’s lab. Prior to this, the last secession was being took part in Goa, India. In its last secession, Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam’s script, The Sweet Requiem had been selected in the Asian Project Market at the Busan International Film Festival. Apart that, two other last year participant’s scripts also selected at the NFDC Co-production market.
The deadline for the submission of scripts is November 10, 2015.
How To apply?
In order to apply, the filmmaker must submit a synopsis of the story (Artistic statement, biography of the filmmaker and directing samples if applicable) to [email protected]. More details about this workshop,avail from
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