Film Production
These Ok Report Notes of Filmmaking Surely Save Your Time
Filmmaking is a Lengthier Process, It might take sometimes years to complete. On average say, the final print of a usual feature film is formed as a result of the shoot and edit about a minimum of 60 days. Because of the increasing day to day production expenses, the film production companies are interested in working with the Filmmakers who can complete the film within the allowable period. In a usual Film, dawdle was happening mostly in the Production and in a big budget film certainly there should a serious time-delay occurs both on pre-production as well as the Post-production.
On sets, the Filmmaker (or) their assistants prepares Ok Reports (also known as location reports) which is used to note down the shots, scene numbers and Ok Takes description. Through by taking OK Report Notes, there can be a lots of time can save in the film editing stage.
Below shown image is the sample representation of an Ok Report docs.
Terms Explanation in Filmmaking ‘Ok Report’ Notes
- End Clap – This is mentioned when the clapper boy forgot to mention the clap number of the Ok Take. On Such a case, at the end of another take, the clapper mentioned with the take number that forgets to show will again shows reversely. This is for the reference of the editor.
- No Clap – This notation is used when the clapper boy didn’t use clapper in a particular scene and such a case he must mention the description of the shot that he didn’t use clapper.
- Last Take ok- Sometimes the clapper boy/ Director can’t mention all the continuous shots- For instance: if an animal involved in a scene, there might be lots of takes and retakes are needed and it is not possible to mention all such takes on the clapper board. For easiness, the clapper boy mentioning ‘Last Take ok’ on clapper board at the Ok Take.
- Dub Sound: Although, the Film sounds are recording on-location with the nagra tapes, there were some cases the sounds can’t gets the ambient tempo because of the high surrounding noises. The on-location sound engineer reports this fault to the Assistant Filmmaker. The Assistant filmmaker verifies the recorded sound again and if the dubbing needed he mark it “Dub Sound” to the corresponding shot portion.
- Shot No 5 treat as Shot No 4: This notation is used in the situation when, on it is script marked as ‘Shot No 5’ but it is shooted as ‘Shot No 4.’ This is one of the common mistakes found in the film production.
- Shot Number 2=Shot Number 3: This notation is used for the convenience between two similar shots. For instance : if both shot no 2 and shot no 3 are long shots happening on same place, for convenience the filmmakers take both the shot 2& 3 at a take. This will later edit it according to the story situation.
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