Add Your Name on IMDb in 10 Easy Steps | Read Now
Here’s how we explaining about the best way to add your name on IMDB. The Internet Movie Database or as it is popularly called IMDb is the biggest and most used internet website to know about movies. And in this post we are going to learn how to add a title or a credit of you or your movie To IMDB Website.
Why It’s needed to add the Name of Your Movie To IMDB?
Having a name on IMDb, not only gives you a sense of professionalism but also provides you with a little credibility in the industry. After all, the site’s SEO is going to pull up your name every time somebody googles it. That, now is a big plus.
4 Things You Consider Before Going To add Your Name or Your Movie Name to IMDB
But before you start adding your credit, you must consider the following points:
- First, and foremost, before adding any title, you must search if its already there on IMDb. Maybe somebody else beat you to it and your name is already there in the database. So before going on an adding spree, please make a thorough search (sometimes with a different spelling) to see whether your name or title isn’t already there.
- In order to edit IMDb database, you need to have an IMDb account. There are two types of IMDb accounts; (a) Regular, that comes for free, and (b) IMDb Pro, which is a premium account with premium features but with a premium price as well. This option (Premium IMDB Account) is mostly used by the agents of stars and studio executives. Editing can be done by a regular IMDB free account and so you can create an account for free.
- If you are adding a new title (a film or TV/Web series), you will need to fill up the New Title Submission Form from this link [New Title Submission Form (]. The entries on the form are pretty much self explanatory and its the easiest form to fill on IMDb (trust us) !
- Remember, it will take some time for IMDb to review your submission, and so you might have to wait a couple of days if there is something you forgot to add.
Watch Video: How To add Your Name to IMDB?
IMPORTANT: Before making any entry, or changes, YOU MUST read the rules set by IMDb. Failing to adhere to IMDb’s guidelines may result in rejection or deletion of your entries.
Now, once your title has been accepted, you can make some additional additions if you want to. Or, if there is an already existing title, you can add your name or credit to it by using the following procedure:
Step By step Guide to add a Celebrity Name or a Film Production Company Name on IMDB Website
Step 1: Look for Your Name
First check if you are already listed in some other project. This might be under some other name and so you must check thoroughly before proceeding. Even if you are in the database, you must use the exact same name to add yourself. This is how you can do it.
Step 2: Find your Project
Go to the title in which you want to add your name, scroll down to the bottom and click on ‘Edit’.
Step 3: Start Editing
Under the ‘Cast and Crew’ section, you can find various roles and credits. These credits range from actors to technicians to producers.
All the possible roles and duties are mentioned there, you only have to click on the ‘drop down box’ in front of that role and select how many credits you want to add. From this same step, you can also make any corrections or changes in the already existing credits.
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Step 4: Select Role
Now you should fill a form, asking you the personal information and roles.
After filling in your name you also have to select your role/title from the next box. This box will give you several sub-options to select from.
Step 5: Continue
After you have selected your specific role and filled your name, click on Check these updates’ or ‘Continue’.
Step 6: Look for Duplicates
Now you might see a list of names similar to you. This will happen in the case you, or people with same names as you are already listed on IMDb. If you see your name there (and you are sure its you), click on it, or if you are trying to add a new entry, select either ‘This is a different person not currently listed’ or ‘I am not sure-submit it as’.
Step 7: Confirmation
Now go to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Check these updates’.
Step 8: Review
If you have not made any mistake, your data will be submitted for review by the IMDb team. But if there is a mistake, you can refill the forms correctly and try again.
Step 9: Recheck
You can also see the complete details of your submission by clicking on ‘Click to see full summary’. This will give you the recap of your submission.
Step 10: Submit
Now the final click on ‘Submit these updates’ will send your submission to the IMDb team for review.
With that last step, you will receive an email notification, confirming your submission. You can either keep checking periodically to check whether your submission has been accepted, or just wait patiently for the IMDb staff to mail you your acceptance.
Searches Related To: How To add Name to IMDB, How to add Company Name to IMDB, How to add the Name of a Company to IMDB, How To add a Movie to IMDB, Add Your Name on IMDb in 10 Easy Steps, imdb, list, title, credit, easy, steps, production, role, writer,
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